
6 Products Found

Business Law - Andy Gibson

Business Law - Andy Gibson Book Author: Andy Gibson Publisher: Pearson; 10th edition Cover Type: Paperback Pages: 688 pages Language: English Genre: Textbooks & Study Guides, Textbooks Genre Class: Nonfiction, Law, Corporate This product is the 10th Editi


Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (Custom Edition) - Laurie Brady

Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (Custom Edition) - Laurie Brady Book Author: Laurie Brady Publisher: Pearson; 4th edition Cover Type: Paperback Pages: 300 pages Language: English Genre: Education Studies & Teaching, Schools & Teaching Genre Class: No


Social Marketing MKT3SEM (Custom Edition) - Lynne Eagle

Social Marketing MKT3SEM (Custom Edition) - Lynne Eagle Book Author: Lynne Eagle Publisher: Pearson; 1st edition Cover Type: Paperback Pages: 372 pages Language: English Genre: Business & Economics, Management & Leadership Genre Class: Business, Sales, Ge
