De Gruyter

26 Products Found

Cesti Religion Book

Cesti The Extant Fragments (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte) Author: Iulius Africanus,Martin Wallraff,Carlo Scardino,Christophe Jean-Daniel Guignard Publisher: De Gruyter Release Date: 14/06/2012


Douglas and Appendices: 7 - George Broderick

Douglas and Appendices: 7 - George Broderick Book Author: George Broderick Publisher: De Gruyter; 1st edition Cover Type: Hardcover Pages: 766 pages Language: English Genre: Politics, Philosophy & Social Sciences, Social Sciences Genre Class: Fiction, Lit


Mastering the Science of Organizational Change: 1 - No Contributor

Mastering the Science of Organizational Change: 1 - No Contributor Book Author: No Contributor Publisher: De Gruyter Cover Type: Perfect Pa Pages: 218 pages Language: English Genre: Business & Economics, Economics Genre Class: Business, General As the bus


Vom Tode Alexanders I. bis zur Juli-Revolution - No Contributor

Vom Tode Alexanders I. bis zur Juli-Revolution - No Contributor Book Author: No Contributor Publisher: De Gruyter; Reprint 2018 ed. edition Cover Type: Hardcover Pages: 540 pages Language: German Genre: History, Europe Genre Class: History, Modern, Genera
